I'm looking forward to reclaiming this room. It is such a strange time of life. I am now a college graduate who left home four years ago, each year packing all that I deemed to be necessary in boxes and arranging it differently every time. Having a space that reflects who i am has always been very important to me--the way that each space has morphed over time expresses (i think) a growth in maturity and creativity. Or perhaps just better feng shui? Maybe the only thing I've learned is to separate treasure and crap.
I will miss sharing my space with Alison. For four years, we had fun, late-night conversations about everything from guys to food to existential dilemmas, almost always ending in one of two questions: "So, are we really going to go to the gym tomorrow?" (Alison) or "what are you going to dream about tonight?" (me. I am still confident that you can plot out your dreams ahead of time, although the how is questionable). Sometimes talk didn't end with sleep--it often continued as entertaining mumblings, not always in English.
I miss Williamsburg already. I feel so much more at home at the Rec Center, for example, than I do at the Y. No matter what state I was in on Sunday morning, no one at the Rec seemed to notice or care. On my first day at the Y, there was hardly a person who I didn't recognize from school, work or some other context. I found myself feeling self-conscious the other day when I planned my transition from the elliptical to the weights, ultimately deciding against them when I noticed some guys from my high school hulking around them, comparing biceps. Also, Bodypump was cancelled here (tragedy!), so I'm feeling a little lost.
Mostly, I miss my friends. But I'm not too sad, because I know that Alison's birthday is just around the corner. Every time we reunite, it will be as if no time has passed at all.